Saturday, September 22, 2007

new adventures

yo! this is nat. basically, i miss all of you so much. working is fabulous, but some days i long for an MATC $1 sandwich and my homies. so this week's news is basically to let everyone know that i need your help finding more work. unfortunately, kenzie and i don't work together anymore (sad/ long/weird/funny story) , but don't fret, i've got a great new job working monday, wednesday, friday. so if anyone knows of a doctor looking for a P/T hygienist please let me know!!! i would even want just like one of those days or something. i'm open to all sorts of possibilities. other than that, nothing else new is happening at the michaelsen homefront. soren is a little smartie pants. he got a 20 on the DAT (which isn't what he wanted, but probably still good enough to get into dental school), and he got a little bonus at work for being the best reviewed TA of last semester. i'm so proud :) so we'll let you all know when we hear back from dental schools and such. i really love you all and miss you severely. please blog to alleviate my pain. anyone pregant?

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