Monday, December 24, 2007

It's Christmas Eve for cryin out loud!

LADIES! It has been a very long time, but since I'm back into the blogging thing i thought I'd say hello. I don't have much time these days to get online let alone check blogs and emails but it's Christmas Eve and I'm waiting for Alex to wake up. See when I got home from Europe I was dating this guy and well, we've seen each other every single day since then. It's amazing, I love his little heart to death. We even have our own blog... who doesn't these days, right? ;) it's a crazy one, so let me just type it for you it's an inside joke we have with the Chinese food references.

As for work, I've been working for Dr. Christensen in Murray about 3 days a week because his previous hygienist only wanted to work 3 days. I however will start working Mon-Thur beginning Dec. 31. I work from 7-5 and it's actually not that bad. The wear and tear on my body though is more than I ever expected. It's hard work what we do, has anyone else noticed that? Feels like I should have a daily massage after work. My Dr. is really great though, a little quirky - he's a tango dancer and a member of the WREB and ADA. So he's gone during the weekends administering tests to hygieneists and dental students. He's also on the board for revising the National test administered to hygienists. Remember that 8 hour long ordeal? He's trying to make it not so long. I use everything and more that I was taught in school cause he's really up on his hygiene info. I am also going to being trained on a new laser used for cleaning out deep pockets...what ever int he heck that is. Yeah I still probe, do oral cancer screenings, wear a smock everything but it's a job right? ;)

And now it's Christmas time and I have a whole week off. Al and I were supposed to go snowboarding today but with the storm we don't want to get stuck up a mountain on Christmas Eve, so we'll have to go sledding or something. I miss you all and wish you the best, MERRIEST CHRISMAS! Eli
(No this is not an engagement pic, we were taking family pics and his mom decided she wanted some of us.... but yes, I did say we were taking family pics!)

Monday, December 17, 2007

New Job

So I have finally decided to stay up here full time. I got a new job working in Pleasant Grove and Payson for a dentist. I will be working 5 days and am a little nervous to do it. I never wanted to work 5 days but I am looking forward to it now. I am so tired of having nothing to do. Kenz- I know it has been months since you asked me where I live. It is Pleasant Springs apartments. It is across Pleasant Grove Blvd from you. It is fun and I love living up there. Anyway nothing new is going on with the dating scene. I am still just dating and having fun. Other than that life is good.

We need to be better about blogging on here. I go to everybodies individual sites but those that don't have those need to write on this one more. We also need to get together again.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oklahoma here we come!!!

sorry you have to hear from me all the time, but i just have to let you all know that i'm so freaking excited because my wonderful, smart husband just got accepted to dental school at the university of oklahoma. so i'm already searching for houses and we'll probably be leaving sometime in may! weird that i'm somewhat sad to leave utah... but we are so pumped to move on to another fun phase of our lives!